While driving recently, you slammed on your brakes to avoid hitting the car in front of you. Fortunately, a car accident did not occurred and no one was hurt. However, such near misses are instructional, because they reveal underlying attention-related problems or bad...
New Tesla Model S That Scores 103 out of 100 on Consumer Reports Test: How is That Even Possible??
Billionaire entrepreneur, Elon Musk, is on a mission to revolutionize the auto industry (as well as the space and solar industries). In 2003, he founded Tesla Motors, Inc. with an audacious goal -- to set off a paradigm shift in the auto industry and pave the way for...
Keeping a Driving Journal to Reduce Your Likelihood of Getting into Another Car Accident
Perhaps a careless teenager texting on her cellphone veered into your lane, clipping your car; or maybe a pickup truck soared through an intersection and t-boned you, totaling your car and hurting your passengers. In either case, in addition to obtaining fair...
3 reasons why you’re riding naked with your current motorcycle insurance!
Your motorcycle insurance is not as simple as you may think. If someone causes an accident and you’re injured, you could be left with huge medical expenses and no other compensation. You need to find out if your policy is working for you or against you. Your...
What’s that about women drivers? Better think again!
Sure, we’ve all heard the complaints about female drivers. And how many of the jokes deride women for driving causing car accidents. Maybe some of us have even gone so far as to repeat one or more of the jokes ourselves. Here’s a sample one-liner that just about sums...
Google’s driverless cars – not foolproof!
Autonomous vehicles are coming, there’s no getting around that. But there may be some wrinkles – actually bumps in the road would be a better term – before human driving becomes a thing of the past. Google’s version of the driverless car has received the most...
Minor car accidents can lead to major expenses
Let’s say you’ve been in a fender-bender. Nothing serious, just some damage to your car and the car of the guy who just hit you at an intersection. Of course, there is that slight pain you feel in the back of your neck, but that’s probably from the way you slept...
How to avoid car accidents
Try as we might, it is impossible to eliminate entirely the risk of getting into a car accident. No matter how careful you are, no matter how well you practice defensive driving, there are circumstances, like having your vehicle struck from behind while stopped at a...
Chrysler hit with $150 million in damages for car crash
A jury in the small, upstate New York town of Bainbridge has awarded the plaintiffs damages in the sum of $150 million for the loss of their 4-year old son in a 2012 car accident. The youngster was being driven to a sports lesson when the 1999 Jeep Cherokee in which...