Medical Malpractice
The Distinctive Characteristics of Doctors Who Face Malpractice Claims
Medical malpractice events don’t occur randomly, and we can learn a lot by studying statistics about how and why they occur. For instance, doctors who face multiple malpractice claims over the course of their careers tend to have certain well defined traits, according...
7 More Insights About the State of Medical Malpractice From New Survey
Medscape’s “Malpractice Report 2015: Why Most Doctors Get Sued” combined survey data from over 4,000 physicians to analyze the state of medical malpractice cases in the past year. Here are seven more valuable lessons to be gleaned from the survey’s results. (Part 1 of...
7 Takeaways from Big New Survey About Medical Malpractice
Over the past year, Medscape surveyed nearly 4,000 primary care doctors and specialists to learn more about the medical malpractice lawsuits they faced. Medscape’s “Malpractice Report 2015: Why Most Doctors Get Sued” collected and organized the results. This survey...
Big Decline in Hospital Errors. Is Obamacare Responsible? If Not, What Is?
Has the passage of the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. “Obamacare”) led to a meaningful reduction in fatal medical errors? If so, why, and what can we collectively learn to continue to improve treatment? A report from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality...